Baby Hadley

I can’t believe my little baby recently turned 1!

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Michigan Fireflies

So many thoughts and feelings come when I think about our time living in Michigan while my husband attended graduate school.  There are so many moments, places, and mostly people that I miss dearly and at the same time I would never want to endure those 2 1/2 years again.  I am not typically a cheesy person but our time spent living in Michigan will forever be special and have many memories attached.  This post is about one of those memories.  We loved the fireflies and knowing that after school we wanted to move back west to be closer to our families and mountains I wanted to experiment photographing them and capture that memory.

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  I can’t believe it has been a year since I took this photo of my little girl.




This was such a fun session!  This cute little gal had just turned one.  It was so fun to capture her personality and some of her very first steps!


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I have recently learned the hard way to have multiple backups which I always have of my photographs but when it came to my website I failed.  So heres to starting from scratch!  I will be posting my recent work and also adding in some of my past favorite sessions as well.

As my first post I wanted to share some photographs of my adorable niece.  One of the hardest things about not living near family is that I don’t get to meet new additions as soon as I would like.  I am so glad I got to visit family last month and have the opportunity to photograph this adorable little girl!
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